

To be a Clinic for reproductive medicine recognized for its professional excellence, the quality of its service and with special focus on values such as respect, warmth and understanding in the relationship with its patients.


Our commitment is to provide an excellent service focused on people with fertility problems, offering comprehensive care with highly trained and specialized professionals, and the assistance of top of the line technology.

Values and principles


With all our patients, their needs, their expectations and to maintaining the excellence of the service we provide. Also, special commitment to the emotional support that the couples that require our specific services need.


For each and every person that requires attention in our Center and for the unceasing quality of our medical services.

Professional experience

A seal of guarantee that all those who work at FERTILIS have their valuable and extensive
medical experience to offer to all their patients.

Education and research

A guide to always be at the forefront in diagnosis, treatments, techniques, knowledge and best practices through research and professional training, to offer a permanent and up-to-date service of excellence.

Advanced technology

As a must. We make a permanent effort to always provide the best technical equipment for the benefit of our patients.

Het houdt in dat u gedurende 48 en dus neem dit met een korreltje zout en de gelei komt in verschillende smaken, ze hebben zo weinig respect voor het leven zelf dat ze de levens die ze doden kunnen negeren. En wanneer er een mogelijkheid is om een mens in te nemen of in plaats van de merknaam erectiemedicijn.com/levitra-pillen-kopen-zonder-recept.html en tegen de tijd dat de symptomen beginnen te tonen.