secuelas de covid-19

Secuelas del COVID-19 sobre la fertilidad femenina

Several organs, such as the heart, breasts, intestine, testes, and ovaries, have been reported to be target tissues of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection.

Autores: Yamila Herreroa, M.Sc; Natalia Pascualia, PhD; Candela Velázqueza, M.Sc; Gonzalo Oubiñaa, M.Sc; Vanesa Haukb, PhD; Ignacio de Zúñigac, MD, PhD; Mariana Gómez Peñac, M.Sc; Gustavo Martínezd, PhD; Mariano Lavolpee, M.Sc; Florencia Veigaf, PhD; Fernando Neuspillerf, M.Sc., MD; Dalhia Abramovicha, PhD; Leopoldina Scottia,g, PhD and Fernanda Parborella, PhD.